PowerX64 is a Web Series by the creators of the PowerX64 Project. It was started in October 2023, and released to the public on June 26, 2024. PowerX64 is always ongoing, new seasons are constantly being created. PowerX64 is a Web Series by the creators of the PowerX64 Project. It was started in October 2023, and released to the public on June 26, 2024. PowerX64 is always ongoing, new seasons are constantly being created.


What is PowerX64?

PowerX64 is a Web Series by the creators of the PowerX64 Project. It was started in October 2023, and released to the public on June 26, 2024. PowerX64 is always ongoing, new entries are constantly being created. Now, what is PowerX64 itself? PowerX64 is a web series about a girl named Yura Katsuragi who loves technology and is always willing to lend a helping hand. She is a shy and anxious yet technologically skilled individual who lives for holidays and video games. Alongside Yura are other important characters, such Yuka, her aggressive sister, Kyo, her kind friend, and Iggy Gog, A man with many jobs and skills. Yura and her friends are constantly tormented by Senor Pusmouth, the brother of Aji nuts. Senor Pusmouth is an evil octopus human hybrid that is of unknown origin. He has numerous powers, such as the ability to teleport himself and others, the ability to use super strength with his tentacles, the ability to summon animals, and numerous others. Yura, and her accomplices, encounter Senor Pusmouth and his gang, who constantly torment and interfere with life in the city. They must somehow, some way defeat the near immortal Senor Pusmouth forever so they can exist in peace.

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Season 1

Season 2

Season 3



© 2022-2024 PowerX64